He has no idea of ultrasonic bonding.

He just feels comfortable.

We are a reliable
driver of innovation

W+D´s core competences lie in the technology for precise processing and handling of thin and inhomogeneous materials such as paper, tissue and non-woven materials at high production speeds. With its innovative and tailor-made system solutions and services W+D focuses on the entire internal value chain of its customers.


  • Variety of Core Designs and Core Features
  • Variety of Diaper Shapes (Traditional, T-Shape, Anatomical Side Panels, Pants)
  • Customized Product Features
  • Machine Option to combine open Diapers and Pants


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Button, rechts Schräge Button, links Schräge


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Being close to our customers and understanding their needs is very important to me. At W+D BICMA, I realized on day one that the whole team thinks that way. That is a definite feel-good factor.

Kerstin Mallmann , W+D BICMA

Company brochure

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna.

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One Job – One Tree

The job portal Yourfirm.de has planted for Winkler+Dünnebier 15 trees situated lorem ipsum.

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News + Messen zum Archiv

W+D bei der Right Hygiene Konferenz in Neu-Delhi

Hygiene Solutions

Die W+D Winkler+Dünnebier GmbH freut sich, ihre Teilnahme an der 2024 Right Hygiene Konferenz anzukündigen, die vom 20. bis 21. März in Neu-Delhi, Indien, stattfinden wird. W+D wird an Stand 38 zu finden sein.

Right Hygiene ist Indiens größte Hygienekonferenz, die sich mit Windeln, Hygieneartikeln und Feuchttüchern beschäftigt. Sie bringt Branchenexperten, Innovatoren und Interessenvertreter zusammen, um neue Trends, technologische Fortschritte und bewährte Verfahren zu diskutieren, die die Zukunft von Hygieneprodukten und -lösungen bestimmen.

Für weitere Informationen klicken Sie bitte hier.

SVG Animation / Accordion

There is more to a company than its name and history. It is the People who make the difference.


Flexibility has been part of our DNA for decades, resulting in tailor-made customer solutions and flexible machine concepts. Our machines are known to be among the fastest in size change thanks to our S2S quick-change modules and our express drum-change technology.

Hier steht ein Link


Flexibility has been part of our DNA for decades, resulting in tailor-made customer solutions and flexible machine concepts. Our machines are known to be among the fastest in size change thanks to our S2S quick-change modules and our express drum-change technology.


Flexibility has been part of our DNA for decades, resulting in tailor-made customer solutions and flexible machine concepts. Our machines are known to be among the fastest in size change thanks to our S2S quick-change modules and our express drum-change technology.


Flexibility has been part of our DNA for decades, resulting in tailor-made customer solutions and flexible machine concepts. Our machines are known to be among the fastest in size change thanks to our S2S quick-change modules and our express drum-change technology.

There is more to a company than its name and history. It is the People who make the difference.

Flexibility has been part of our DNA for decades, resulting in tailor-made customer solutions and flexible machine concepts. Our machines are known to be among the fastest in size change thanks to our S2S quick-change modules and our express drum-change technology.

Hier steht ein Link

Flexibility has been part of our DNA for decades, resulting in tailor-made customer solutions and flexible machine concepts. Our machines are known to be among the fastest in size change thanks to our S2S quick-change modules and our express drum-change technology.

Flexibility has been part of our DNA for decades, resulting in tailor-made customer solutions and flexible machine concepts. Our machines are known to be among the fastest in size change thanks to our S2S quick-change modules and our express drum-change technology.

Flexibility has been part of our DNA for decades, resulting in tailor-made customer solutions and flexible machine concepts. Our machines are known to be among the fastest in size change thanks to our S2S quick-change modules and our express drum-change technology.